The Milwaukee Poetry Contest attracted submissions from writers all over the country, and last week, judges Oody Petty, Darrick Harriell and Bobby Tanzilo picked three winners.
First Place went to Channell Ruth for her piece called "Going (Home)." Ruth receives a $50 gift certificate to Boswell Book Company for her winning poem.
"I like this poem because of the ambiguity, tone and voice, and how the details seem organic to Milwaukee," says Petty, a UWM professor. "Why a city is liked or not often depends on what is being associated. In this case, families, in a family town, splinter and get lost."
Petty, who has a doctorate in creative writing, teaches English and Ethnic Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She served as co-editor of UWM's Cream City Review and, most recently, had her poetry published in a publication called Desire Street and
Harriell appreciated this poem because the author appears not to be a Milwaukee native.
"The poem offers an alternative and fresh perspective from a speaker who appears to be a non-Milwaukee native," says Harriell. "The language is believable and the images are clear. This slight touch of humor works well."
Harriell holds a master's of fine art from Chicago State University and is currently a dissertator in UWM's English Department where he teaches creative writing. He is the current poetry editor for the Cream City Review and he recently completed his first full-length manuscript, "Cotton."
Ed Makowski won Second Place for a short piece called, aptly, "Milwaukee" and receives a $25 gift certificate to Woodland Pattern Book Center.
"This 'little' poem embodies, in all its brevity, many elements for which Milwaukee is known: breweries, family, drinking, the working class life," says Petty.
Peter Brooks, a Wauwatosa native currently living in New Mexico, won Third Place for his piece, "Cream City."
"I believe that Milwaukee is a unique culture of hard working individualism and communal celebration. It has its complexities, its struggles, yet there's a silent hope amongst the people to transcend, overcome, dream," says Brooks.
The Milwaukee Poetry Contest ran from Sept. 13 to Sept. 24 and invited readers to submit poems about Milwaukee. Here are the winning pieces:
Going (Home)
By Channell Ruth
For Gregory
It was where your mother lived
We would pile in the white
Lincoln Town Car for a road trip
not long enough to pack sandwiches
Summer was a hype for cousins
too quick
to let the 6-year-old-soul go home
You would walk out side door 8604
to Stone Terrace between two lives
Your hands barely reached
After she left we would take you
to visit her
or to stay for the school year
Me, you, Grandma, Granddaddy and Jermaine
We drove past the other Magikist sign
feeling we were closer to there than here
the knowing we would leave you was quiet
You told Granddaddy once
Come get me I wanna come home
He tried to tell you that home was Maxine
Your answer to why
I don't like Milwaukee and
Milwaukee don't like me
By Ed Makowski
Walking in
to begin a shift
my two year old
pointed to the bar
where I work,
> Home."
Cream City
By Peter Brooks
Chitown’s younger sib;
accordion air for jazz wind,
lake effect and brick affect,
replace me, myself, I, with us,
ourselves, we.
Cardboard voice box factories;
this side up, blue delivery collars,
homemakers handle, played kids,
fly over ears don’t hear the hollers,
the clanks, our art.
African, German, Mexican,
Pacific Isle, Asian, Indian,
Irish, Polish, Indigenous
stocked and stewed
to our aromatic response:
I am, I be, I am, I be.