- More than just cat and a hat: The popular children's author had no children of his own. How did he answer when asked why? Find out in "8 things you didn't about Dr. Seuss." [PBS.org]
- Put down that phone: Why do we keep checking our smart phone every few minutes? Our addictive behaviors are driven more from loneliness or a longing to bond and connect than anything else. [blogs.psychcentral.com]
- Bond, James Bond: "Skyfall" was one of the best – and certainly the best looking – Bond movie thus far. "Spectre" has a tough mark to top, but judging from this new full trailer, the pieces look like they’re in place to do exactly that. [YouTube.com]
- Community: Two years ago, Alana Wooldridge was living in New Orleans and she found a neglected pitbull with a zip tie around his neck under a bridge in the city’s Ninth Ward. She fell in love with the dog at first sight, freed him, named him Fenrir (aka "Fen") and has been his loving caregiver ever since. Now, he's missing here in Milwaukee. [OnMilwaukee.com]
- Say it isn't so: Sure, we love almond milk as much as the next guy. But, guess what? It's pretty much a sham. [Delish.com]
- Adorbs: There are few things more adorable than J.J. Watt or little kids doing the Nae Nae. Except maybe J.J. learning it from little kids. [BleacherReport.com]
- Aww: Here’s the full trailer for Pixar’s other 2015 release, "The Good Dinosaur." Apparently Pixar won’t be content until they’ve wrung the entire human population out of tears singlehandedly. Damn you, you heartful bastards and your beautiful, beautiful animated adventures. [YouTube.com]
- Fruity relationships: What does your relationship with fruit look like? Quite possibly it is similar to this one. [TheOatmeal.com]
- Dating Advice: Porn stars. They're just like us. That's why they give us their dating advice. [SuperCompressor.com]
- Hacked: A serious security flaw means 950 million Android users can be compromised by a receiving a bad text message and there's nothing you can do about it. [NPR.org]