- Madden 2016: Madden knows they don’t actually have to SELL Madden to people anymore. They have a literal monopoly on making NFL-licensed video games, and they know fans will buy the game even if the only change is a special new glint on the Jacksonville Jaguars helmets. Thus, they get to make commercials like these, starring a bushy-haired Dave Franco, McLovin playing an ’80s badass named Janet, several NFL stars and a T-rex. What’s new in the game? How does it play? These things do not matter. The only question that matters: Is Julio Jones slapping a man for 20 uninterrupted seconds in the game? Is that a feature? Because sold. [YouTube.com]
- Get it right: Grammar slip ups happen to the best of us. Don't be that guy. Here are 20 common phrases you've been saying wrong your life whole life -- and how to get them right. [EliteDaily.com]
- BITD: Windows 95 turns 20 today, so take a look back at all the revolutionary things it did – or just watch the hilariously ‘90s instructional video starring Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston. [TheVerge.com]
- Old fashioned wisdom: What do carrots, an egg and coffee all have in common? One grandmother shares what in this insightful piece. [littlethings.com]
- Who's watching: Did AshleyMadison.com do anything to protect their users data? Will the hackers go after other companies that similar? Get some answers here. [www.motherboard.vice.com]
- IKEA puns: Every new relationship has to cross that first big hurdle after moving in together -- the trip to IKEA. Well, this guy had a way to get through it as quickly as possible. And what a punny time it was. [www.uproxx.com]
- What a ride: What would a ride on a blue whale be like? You can find out thanks to this! [Facebook.com/BBCBigBlueLive]
- Express yourself: If you aren’t convinced at how adorable and hilarious some dogs reactions can be, then let these 10 photos to persuade you otherwise. [hoopladaily.com]
- Winter weather: According to Slate.com "there’s a silver lining to all this talk of a super mega record-breaking Godzilla El Niño: The seasonal weather outlooks for this fall and winter will be some of the most accurate ever issued." Get the full forecast here. [Slate.com]
- Color us happy: She’s not your average cape-donning, bullet-dodging, mask-wearing white guy superhero. Meet Lunella Lafayette here. [www.colorlines.com]