By Drew Olson Special to Published Mar 02, 2008 at 5:06 PM

It didn't feel like winter today.

It wasn't sunny, but the temperature read 46 degrees when I tossed on a light jacket and took the dog for a walk in the park. Though the paths were full of snow, ice and melting slush, it felt like spring because I had the radio tuned to the Brewers-Angels game from Maryvale Baseball Park.

Listening to Bob Uecker and Jim Powell call the action probably added another 10 degrees to my perceived temperature and it definitely added another mile or so to the walk because I wanted to see if Guillermo Mota could pitch a clean ninth inning to preserve a 4-2 lead (he did).

As the post-game wrap-up continued on the radio, we stopped to chat with a neighbor who was de-slushifying his driveway. By the time we headed for home, an otherwise pleasant undertaking took on a depressing tone.

The weather report came on.

It called for some kind of winter storm warning with cold and freezing rain and accumulations of two to three inches of snow. The fun is supposed to start overnight and continue through noon.

If it turns out that today was a tease, I'm glad I got out and moved around a bit.

I hope everybody else took advantage, too. We've been punished enough this winter.

Drew Olson Special to

Host of “The Drew Olson Show,” which airs 1-3 p.m. weekdays on The Big 902. Sidekick on “The Mike Heller Show,” airing weekdays on The Big 920 and a statewide network including stations in Madison, Appleton and Wausau. Co-author of Bill Schroeder’s “If These Walls Could Talk: Milwaukee Brewers” on Triumph Books. Co-host of “Big 12 Sports Saturday,” which airs Saturdays during football season on WISN-12. Former senior editor at Former reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.