Bublr Bikes and the Wisconsin Bike Fed, in cooperation with the City of Milwaukee, are leading a free group ride on The Milwaukee Streetcar route on Wednesday, Sept. 14, starting at 5:30 p.m.
The free ride begins at Burns Commons (the park at Ogden and Prospect Avenues) with a brief "Share & Be Aware" bike safety presentation. The group, led by streetcar staff, will then bike along the streetcar route, ending at NEWaukee’s Night Market Downtown on West Wisconsin Avenue. There will be a few stops along the way to point out streetcar route highlights.
Participants can bring their own bikes or rent one of nine Bublr bikes available at the ride’s starting point. If interested in using a Bublr bike, participants should consider arriving early or picking one up at another station on the way. Bublr bikes can be returned at the end of the ride route at the 4th and Wisconsin station or at any other Bublr station.
Riders are encouraged to register soon at: themilwaukeestreetcar.com. Below is a map of the Initial Streetcar Route (blue) and the Lakefront Extension (green).