Stone Creek Coffee launched a new "Case Study Box Set" today that features three honey-processed coffees. The set is titled "Honey Processing Has No Honey. WTH? (Where is The Honey?)"
Honey processing is a popular style of natural processing. The "honey" refers to the sticky fruit left on the outside of the parchment coffee, not that there's honey in the coffee / bean.
Honey processing is common in Costa Rica and is increasing in popularity throughout the rest of Central America. The primary advantage of this processing style is that it yields a high quality coffee without using a ton of energy or natural resources, primarily water.
The box set also features information on the farm-to-cup relationships that Stone Creek has built in Costa Rica.
The set contains three different bags of coffee from three farms in the West Valley of Costa Rica.
This Case Study box set will be available starting today, Thursday, Sept. 25, for $25. There is a limited supply of 200 boxes. The set will be available at the cafes and online.
Each coffee will also be available individually for $16.