By Drew Olson Special to Published Apr 14, 2008 at 8:25 AM

I'm not a big fan of Monday, but this week is off to a good start.

I got my Springsteen tickets.

Bruce and the E Street Band play Harley-Davidson's 105th anniversary party Aug. 30 at the Lakefront. After a false start caused by a computer malfunction April 5, tickets went on sale this morning via

In order to purchase tickets, which cost $42.50, you had to buy tickets to Harley's entire weekend celebration. Those tickets sold for $60.

I hopped on about 5 minutes early, logged into my Tickemaster account and waited. By 8:01 a.m., I was in the system. By 8:03, I had purchased three tickets with my confirmation number and three for my friend and fellow Springsteen zealot, Kevin Brandt, who couldn't take part in the fun because he was on the air with the "Dave and Carole Morning Show" on WKLH.

A friend had forwarded me a confirmation number, which was good for a single ticket. The poor lass is headed out of town that weekend and can't attend the concert. I couldn't find the e-mail with her number right away. I found it at 8:12 a.m., jumped back on the Tickemaster site and saw that the tickets were gone -- or so I thought. 

After a few more attempts, I was able to get through shortly after 9 a.m. and got another ticket.  It's going to be a fun night. I've seen three shows on this tour already; the energy is amazing and the band has never sounded better.

I don't know what it's going to be like standing in a field with 60,000 people, including many lawyers and dentists in leather vests and motorcycle boots. But I'm counting on Bruce and company to make it memorable.

Drew Olson Special to

Host of “The Drew Olson Show,” which airs 1-3 p.m. weekdays on The Big 902. Sidekick on “The Mike Heller Show,” airing weekdays on The Big 920 and a statewide network including stations in Madison, Appleton and Wausau. Co-author of Bill Schroeder’s “If These Walls Could Talk: Milwaukee Brewers” on Triumph Books. Co-host of “Big 12 Sports Saturday,” which airs Saturdays during football season on WISN-12. Former senior editor at Former reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.