Milwaukee's Boettcher Trinklein Productions has created a four-part series on the "Pioneers of Television," which premieres on Milwaukee Public Television in January.
The series is a follow-up to "Pioneers of Primetime," which aired on PBS in 2005 and traced the development of early television from its vaudeville roots.
Each episode focuses on a theme -- "Sitcoms," "Late Night," "Variety" and "Game Shows" -- and uses old clips and telling interviews with more than 100 stars from the heyday of television.
Five-time Emmy Award winner Steve J. Boettcher produced and directed the series and his partner Michael J. Trinklein wrote and produced it.
The series airs Wednesdays at 7 p.m., from Jan. 2 through 23 on Channel 10 and repeats Fridays at 8 p.m., Jan. 11-Feb. 1, on Channel 36.