By Maureen Post Special to Published Mar 06, 2010 at 12:16 PM

Inspired by the urban street photography featured in "Street Seen: The Psychological Gesture in American Photography 1940-1959" at the Milwaukee Art Museum, I will share a snapshot of a Milwaukee landmark each day for the 10 days leading up to "MAM After Dark"on March 12.

Yesterday’s photo: Miller Park

It was 2001 when the Brewers finally made the transition from County Stadium to Miller Park. Built on the same grounds, Miller Park's allure includes a retractable roof with roof panels sweeping to and from center field. The stadium, which cost $400 million,was paid for with a .1 percent sales tax added to a four-county region from 1996 to 2014.

Want to participate in today’s photo? Taken from unique angles, your task is to figure out which iconic Milwaukee building is in the photograph. The pictures will start out easy but get progressively more challenging, so submit your best guess and check back daily to find yesterday’s reveal. Ready to start? Just click here.

Click below to receive a coupon for $2 off admission to the Milwaukee Art Museum. Participate and you will be entered to win a prize pack featuring two free tickets to the Milwaukee Art Museum, two tickets to the "MAM After Dark" event on March 12 and a $50 gift card to Ward's House of Prime. The more you participate, the better chance you have to win.

"Street Seen," on view through April 25, examines post-World War II street photography in New York and offers an unforgettable look into a pivotal moment in our history. For more information, visit

Maureen Post Special to staff writer Maureen Post grew up in Wauwatosa. A lover of international and urban culture, Maureen received a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

After living on the east side of Madison for several years, Maureen returned to Milwaukee in 2006.

After a brief stint of travel, Maureen joined as the city’s oldest intern and has been hooked ever since. Combining her three key infatuations, Milwaukee’s great music, incredible food and inspiring art (and yes, in that order), Maureen’s job just about fits her perfectly.

Residing in Bay View, Maureen vehemently believes the city can become fresh and new with a simple move across town.