These photos are choice selections from my collection that suggest a fall feeling of sorts. Enjoy the season before the snow hits!
A milk white sky with a hard black iron fence top in the foreground. I took this photo while exploring the mystery that is Athens, Greece. The Femmes played a large open air amphitheater, under a full moon, later that evening...
The album cover for the MONIA record that will be released in 2016. I produced and played on this recording alongside my son Malachi. A splendid listen!
When two lonely friends become sad bowling pins. Wisconsin.
Hands. My hands have allowed me to travel the world playing that indescribable thing we must call music.
A Duchampian view of perspective and movement. Every October, I ruminate on the mentor I never met: Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968)
Someone that I met in my hometown of Racine.
Taking liberties with Andy and Marcel with this in-camera photo overlay. I built the apparatus which holds the pictures and text, and then I backlit the whole creation with a very low wattage light bulb. A glowing still life of sorts.
Close-up isolation of a collage I constructed featuring once again Mr. Duchamp, plus a very small mirror in homage to THE mirrorman, Captain Beefheart!
"she's so happy, she's sad" (2015). A watercolor.
Victor DeLorenzo has been performing for audiences around the world for the last 40 years, give or take a few hours here or there. Victor is proud to have worked as an actor, writer, speaker, producer of sound and image, director and musician.