By JoAnn Hornak   Published May 11, 2002 at 5:06 AM

They say finding Mr. or Ms. Right is a numbers game. If you believe that, then I've found the best game in town. How do 40 blind dates in two and a half hours at less than a dollar per date sound?

Three minute dating has hit Milwaukee via Fast Dater, Inc. The Velvet Room was packed on Tues., May 7 with 122 single men and women ranging in age from 23 to 45. Identification was checked at the door, but no other background screening is done.

Each participant signs a waiver to that effect before the event starts. In other words, if your date is married or a serial killer, that's your problem. But everyone I met seemed perfectly nice, normal and single.

Each dater wears a tag with their first name and an assigned number that matches the number of the table where you begin dating. At the end of each date, a buzzer sounds, you circle yes or no on your scorecard and then move on to the next person.

The majority of my "dates" were in their late twenties to mid-thirties and from all walks of life. I met a fireman, cook, pizza delivery guy, used car broker, insurance salesman, landscaper, cop, engineer and a guy who says he makes his living as an inventor. The rest are a blur.

My advice, take notes on the scorecard you're given; not just their names but also something specific to help you remember each of your yes's by since you take home a carbon copy. Scoring was awkward because at times the dates were only elbowroom apart. I waited until I'd moved on to the next person to mark my card that I'd folded in half.


The evening flew by with no worries about those interminable dates where you'd rather be home watching paint dry. But three minutes goes by in a flash. One date offered to buy me a drink, but I laughed and said there wasn't enough time. I barely had the chance to ask my dates what they did for a living and what they like to do for fun. For my yes's, I could only make a rough guestimate of whether we actually have anything in common or could develop a friendship or romantic relationship.

During the two 15 minute breaks, there was a chance to mingle and talk further with your dates or to meet some of the 20 people you wouldn't "date" during the evening.

As promised, the results came via e-mail two days later. Following the advice given at the beginning of the party -- be liberal and check all maybes as a yes -- I checked 11 yes's. I had seven matching yes's and ten missed opportunities. There is no obligation to contact any of your matches since you're provided only with their first name and e-mail address.

Would I recommend Fast Dater? Definitely. If you go into with the spirit of a fun and unique way to meet new people and possibly make some friends, it's right on target. And, who knows, you might meet that special someone.

For information about how to sign up for upcoming events visit