Associated Bank launches the company’s new broadcast ad campaign during tonight's NCAA Championship basketball game. The game, of course, features the Wisconsin Badgers and Duke Blue Devils.
"We moved quickly to bring our customer messaging to this landmark fan experience and in our own way add to the rampant excitement in Wisconsin and the region," said Christopher Piotrowski, Associated Bank executive vice president & chief marketing officer.
The ads will run in stations airing the game in four Wisconsin markets, including WDJT in Milwaukee, WISC in Madison, WFRV in Green Bay and WSAW in Wausau. In the Greater Minneapolis area, they will run during the WCCO broadcast of the game.
Associated Bank’s consumer ads look to differentiate it as the top mortgage lender in Wisconsin. They focus on the company's "Banking without the Runaround" concept, and Associated Bank's partnerships with its business customers.
In coming weeks Associated will deploy additional integrated campaign elements in key markets – including TV, public radio, print and digital.