Not only are these handbags adorable, but you can switch out the strap and shell so you can get a different look! Mestessa Milano creates quality handbags with limitless versatility.
Day 9
Today’s giveaway winner will receive two crossbody bags to rock in any season.
Want to win? Head to OnMilwaukee's Facebook and Instagram to get in on the goods. You should also follow me, as well.
Pamela has recently been named an Influencer by Vogue magazine, and is a Social Media Influencer for Cosmopolitan magazine. She enjoys a recurring gig on Milwaukee's Fox 6 Real Milwaukee as a Style/ Beauty expert.
Pamela is bold, outspoken and doesn't take herself too seriously. She is a dog mom to 2 puppies, Cooper and Winston. She can't live without mascara, oversized sunglasses and a lavender latte from Stone Creek Coffee.
Instagram: @pamelakieck
Twitter: @itspamelakieck
Pinterest: @pamelakieck
Facebook: Pamela kieck